

Old and Wise

Old and Wise is a ballad by the Alan Parsons Project from the album Eye in the Sky, released in December 1982. Old and Wise.

【歌詞翻譯】The Alan Parsons Project

2018年11月7日 — As far as my eyes can see 在我有生以來. There are shadows approaching me 一直感覺有道陰影不斷逼近我(註1) And to those I left behind

Old And Wise-歌詞

Old And Wise-歌詞-Old and Wise As far as my eyes can see 舉目遠眺There are Shadows approaching me 感到陰影,正朝我接近And to those I left be.

Old and wise Alan Parsons Project

Old and wise Alan Parsons Project As far as my eyes can see. There are shadows approaching me. And to those I left behind. I wanted you to know

Old And Wise-歌詞

Old And Wise As far as my eyes can see.. There are shadows approaching me.. And to those I left behind. I wanted you to know


2019年12月8日 — THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT - Old And Wise 老和智慧. As far as my eyes can see 在我視線內. There are shadows approaching me 那裡陰影撲向我而來.